In local government, it’s very clear to your customers – your citizens – whether or not you’re delivering. Either that pothole gets filled in, or it doesn’t. The results are very much on display, and that creates a very healthy pressure to innovate.
Phone:(419) 503-1044
It is the mission of the Bay View Police Department to safeguard the lives and property of the people we serve, to reduce the incidence of crime, and to enhance public safety while working within the community to improve your quality of life.
The Department of Village Maintenance is responsible for development and implementation of the Village wide property maintenance management and oversees the Parks, Streets, maintenance of Vacant Lots, and shorelines.
Men and women of Bay View who want to be a part of the community and give something back. We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Zoning determines where items can be placed on a property. Zoning also regulates what uses can go where. Such as, before a business starts up or property is purchased or leased for a use, zoning should be contacted to determine if the proposed use is legal there.
Bay View Police Department
2321 Martins Point Road, Bay View, Ohio
The men and women of the Bay View Police Department are dedicated to providing professional police service. We provide services such as: criminal investigations, traffic enforcement, residence checks, business checks, and assisting the Bay View Fire Department on rescue calls.
All officers undergo yearly training in firearms and in a variety of topics as mandated by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission.
Help your Police Department stop crime. Tips can remain anonymous by contacting our Police Department either by email or by phone at 419-684-5990. Say no to crime.

Bay View Fire Department

The mission of the Bay View Fire Department is to be a customer service organization partnering with communities, members, citizens and visitors to foster a feeling of safety any place, at any time, through planning, mitigation, response and restoration.

Leaf pickup begins in the fall. The leaf pickup date will be posted on the board on the waterfront and on this website. Please put leaves in one long pile and not in the ditch area.
Bay View Tree Ordinance
We would like to remind folks that we have many ordinances on the books. If you are doing any type of work at your home you should first check to see if there is a permit needed. We have been seeing many of the marker trees being taken down. There is an active tree ordinance which states that anyone wishing to take a marker tree down must first get a permit from the Mayor free of charge. For a tree permit please call the Mayor at 419-503-1044 and for all other permits please call the Zoning Inspector Steve at 419-366-9011 The tree permit also requires that no stump stays behind. The stump must be ground to below grade and we highly recommend that the tree be replaced with your choice of tree. We are also in the process of obtaining some tree saplings that will be offered free of charge. It is our goal to keep the beauty of our Village with trees for the future. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Zoning Inspector/ Abatement Officer Stephen Congdon
This electronic version of the Zoning Book is free to read and print out. If you want the printed version from the village it will be a charge of $25.00
If you are doing this work to your home you need to get a ZONING PERMIT.
- Patio Decks
- Sidewalks
- Driveways
- Storm Sewer Taps
If you are doing this work to your home you need to get a ZONING and BUILDING PERMIT
- Additions
- Garages and Pole Barns
- All New Homes
- Porches or Patios with Roofing